10 Strategies to Overcome Anxiety and Being Overwhelmed in Daily Life

Mental conditions are extremely hard on you, sometimes even more than physical conditions. Especially in today’s world, where we’re always on the run, the feeling of anxiety and being  overwhelmed never leaves you.

A statistic reveals that 17% of US adolescents aged between 12 and 17 years have a major depressive episode. And this is extremely disheartening, to say the least.

So, what should you do when you feel that anxiety and overwhelm are creeping into your mind and you don’t know how to deal with it? Well, here are some simple tips and tricks that might help!

1. Step away for a bit

Despite what a lot of people might say, continuing to battle your way through extreme anxiety and nervousness will only worsen your physical and mental health. A quick way to relieve yourself temporarily is to perform breathing exercises.

You can also physically step away from the thing that’s making you anxious and maybe take a stroll in the nearby park or binge-watch your favorite serial.

For example, if you feel that your anxiety is kicking in because of upcoming exams, take a few steps away from your study table and walk around in your house.

2. Look for professional help

Sometimes, home remedies aren’t always the best solution. When you see that your mental health issues require professional help, don’t shy away from luxury mental health treatment centers. They are not only designed to improve the lives of patients, but they also offer great post-discharge care.

For example, various such centers offer private rooms and one-to-one counseling sessions to ensure complete privacy. They also have peer group sessions to help patients feel more at home.

3. Try aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is also a great way to make yourself feel more comfortable when you’re anxious. Even though clinical research in this area is limited, one simply can’t ignore the calming effects of essential oils and perfumes on the brain.

All you have to do is dim the lights in your room, light some scented candles, and sprinkle a bit of essential oil around the room. Natural scents like lavender, chamomile, and sandalwood have been known to provide great results.

4. Write things down

So many studies prove that writing can really help relieve stress and anxiety. If you don’t believe it, try it yourself: honestly, it works.

Start with writing all the things that have been clogging your mind one by one and layer by layer.

You may also write letters to people who have made you anxious or nervous in the past. The trick is to simply write everything that comes to your mind, no matter how messy or unappealing it may seem.

5. Start working out

Exercise has innumerable benefits – both mentally and physically. Even though you can’t remove the anxious thoughts from your mind, you can redirect this negative energy into something productive.

Try going for a jog early in the morning or go for a quick workout session in the evening. Your happy hormones will start kicking right away!

6. Identify the triggers

More often than not, anxiety and stress are caused by specific triggers. Once you learn how to identify and control them, things will seem much better.

For example, caffeine, work-life stress, past trauma, or substance use can often serve as triggers for worsening mental health conditions.

Remember, everyone has different triggers and different ways to manage them. If you know the specific circumstances or objects that cause more anxiety, you will learn how to manage them.

7. Don’t deny your feelings

Most people suffering from bad mental health often seem to ignore it and go on to pretend that nothing is bothering them. This is often due to the fear of social stigma and online trolling.

If you’re also one of them, and that is why you fail to share your thoughts with someone, let this article tell you that you’re not alone.

8. Ask for medications

Medication is always reachable for people suffering from severe depression and feelings of exhaustion.

However, you must not choose to engage in it before professional advice from an experienced counselor or therapist. This is because a lot of them may have dangerous side effects and habit formation.

Some of the common drugs that doctors generally prescribe are Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), Benzodiazepines, and Tricyclic Antidepressants.

9. Try socializing

For many who suffer from anxiety, especially social anxiety, communicating with others may seem like an absolute nightmare; at this point, it has been proved that speaking with a trustworthy friend or relative can be quite beneficial.

Socialization can help reduce stress and feelings of loneliness that often accompany it. So, call your best friend or your closest cousin and vent all that your heart has been holding – the insecurities, fears, past incidents, or anything else whatsoever. This may also inspire your friend or cousin to open up to you about their problems.

10. Change your diet

The way you eat has a big impact on how your body functions. If you overeat on junk food and processed foods all the time, your body and mind will start to change negatively.

You’ll feel lethargic and sleepy and this will become a trigger for further anxiety. Instead, switch to a balanced meal filled with items like lemon balm, omega-3 fatty acids, green tea, valerian root, and green vegetables.

If you’re taking any kind of medication, ask your healthcare provider to suggest you a meal chart.


Anxiety may seem like a small problem, but it isn’t. It makes you feel unloved, unwanted, and undeserving.

However, if you’ve identified that it is your anxiety that is claiming power over you, it is already a win. From here, you just have to defeat it with some mindful actions. And you can do it, buddy!

Just start by pursuing your long-lost hobbies and slowly keep following the strategies mentioned in this article, one after another. And while you’re at it, keep reminding yourself that the light at the end of the tunnel is waiting for you.


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