Welcome to LA

Welcome to LA

someone crapped next to my mini cooper
it was 5:55 in the morning, near meford st

trash from bins spilled out into static air
asphalt decorated by early garbage truck pickup
white styrofoam blue plastic
and neon-green wig hairs

cracked pavement cluttered with brittle
sun bleached dog shit

smoke smeared sky—
insulating sunlight
rays conducting above smog layers

Welcome to LA

fading tar chuckling to rubber soles
on my feet
towards home

past droopy trees
not like in the forest
where frequencies of light prance freely

rows of parked RVs
people in popup tents
piled tattered blankets
cigarette butts ash covered soda cans

camping chairs with friends
drinking black coffee

they are the forest

stretched rumbles of choppers
ghetto birds thicken pulsating waves
repeatedly displacing rotating air

frequency of birds’ songs lost
like that yellow-rumped warbler
trilling sweetly from a broken lamp post

instead—sounds of sirens sing—
not that drunken woman
warbling on broken yellow dashes
but the ambulance echoing over soto street

they are the morning doves
dark-eyed juncos and red-tailed hawks

Welcome to LA

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