Do Sharks a Favor this Holiday Season

We all know that big companies listen to one thing: their wallets. They certainly don’t care if people needlessly catch sharks, cut off their fins and throw the rest of the living endangered animals back into the ocean, where they will bleed to death, get eaten or die of shock. This practice is called shark finning. Unlike UPS and DHL, FedEx will ship shark fins anywhere in the world as long as they are packaged properly and won’t spoil.
Many of the shark species that are finned are on a fast pace to extinction. So, if given a choice to use a certain shipping company this year, please use UPS or DHL.

Shark finning is the practice of fishing, hacking off fins and throwing the sharks' bodies back in the ocean alive, where they either drown (from lack of movement) or are eaten alive by other fish. Up to 98% of the shark's body is wasted. This is done so some people can enjoy shark fin soup, which is a delicacy in some places. The obviously unsustainable practice is decimating shark populations. Apparently the blue shark here has lived to tell its tale.
Shark finning is the practice of fishing, hacking off fins and throwing the sharks’ bodies back in the ocean alive, where they either drown (from lack of movement) or are eaten alive by other fish. Up to 98% of the shark’s body is wasted. This is done so some people can enjoy shark fin soup, which is a delicacy in some places. The obviously unsustainable practice is decimating shark populations. Apparently the blue shark here has lived to tell its tale.

Tens of millions of fins are needlessly cut off the bodies of sharks every year. UPS and the United States Postal Service will not ship shark fins, but #FedExtinction still does. Do sharks a favor and please don't use FedEx until they stop shipping the life out of our oceans.
Tens of millions of fins are needlessly cut off the bodies of sharks every year. UPS and the United States Postal Service will not ship shark fins, but #FedExtinction still does. Do sharks a favor and please don’t use FedEx until they stop shipping the life out of our oceans.

Not every shark gets help from remoras after its been finned. Actually, none of them do. Once they have their fins cut off by fishermen, the living sharks are thrown back into the sea to die. You can help out hammerheads like this one by never buying products made with sharks and choosing not to ship your holiday gifts with #FedExtinction.
Not every shark gets help from remoras after its been finned. Actually, none of them do. Once they have their fins cut off by fishermen, the living sharks are thrown back into the sea to die. You can help out hammerheads like this one by never buying products made with sharks and choosing not to ship your holiday gifts with FedEx(tinction).

If sharks go extinct, a whole chain of problems happen in the world. For instance, in the hammerhead’s case, they like to eat rays. Rays like to eat shellfish. If the rays’ numbers are not controlled by the hammerheads, they’ll eat all the shellfish, thus destroying an industry for humans. That’s just one of the unfathomable amounts of connections we have to nature.
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